Ham Radio – originally licensed in 1988 as KC4IFN (Novice), upgraded to Technician N4UYI. Currently hold Extra class License N4NRW (Vanity). ARRL VEC Volunteer Examiner. I am the repeater Trustee for the W4RRC 2 Meter Repeater in Batesburg-Leesville, SC. (147.255+ / 123Hz PL tone) I enjoy HF Rag Chewing and am frequently found on 40M. I am a frequent participant at Ham fests in SC and NC. I enjoy purchasing broken Electronics equipment that others have given up on and challenging my repair and troubleshooting skills repairing said equipment. I have a shop dedicated to this endeavor – details can be found in the Lab Equipment section. From my home page photo you can tell I display no single allegiance to any particular brand of Radio. I currently own and operate, Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu and Collins. I have built both an Elecraft K2 and K3. The K3 / KPA-500 is currently my main operating rig. Antennas include a 3 element Cushcraft Tri Band Beam atop a 55 foot tower. On top of that is an 11 element 2 Meter beam. For 40 and 80M operation I run a trapped dipole (almost a flat top) up at 35 Feet. A fanned dipole for 17 Meters rounds out the site. My station has a hint of “Green”. I rely on a 40 amp Hour 12 volt sealed lead acid backup battery that is solar charged via 100 watts of solar panel on the roof.